Jennifer has been an absolute lifesaver for us throughout this incredible journey. It’s tough being a new mother and learning how to feed your baby can be challenging. Jenn helped us through many stages of this process. The most difficult time being when the baby was going through a growth spurt, super fussy, and eating non-stop. I was panicking since the baby was not off me for two hours. Eating, latching off, crying, eating, latching off again constantly throughout the two hour process. Jennifer responded immediately with her reply saying it was normal and I should trust my instincts. She also sent a few handouts about fussy time and growth spurts. I relaxed, managed to calm the baby down and just take a breather. It felt like a huge relief to know I was not doing anything to compromise my baby’s nutrition, rather this was all normal. A daunting situation at the time, made manageable with her help. There have been many other times as well since then where Jennifer has pulled through and helped us. It’s just been so reassuring that someone is there to guide us through this process with her support and constant care.