Jennifer came to our house, as arranged by our midwife just a couple of days after our daughter was born. Breastfeeding wasn’t coming “naturally” to me and I had a lot of trouble helping my daughter to get the right latch and stay on my breast. I’d read a lot of descriptions of how to do this and my midwife had also given me a short demonstration, but for some reason I just couldn’t get my head around it. Jenn was extremely patient and warm. She helped me relax and showed me many times until it was close to second nature. She also gave me a lot of materials and resources. In addition, Jenn really bonded with my daughter and took a genuine interest in my comfort and well being. I felt extremely grateful and well cared for.
Later, I experienced my daughter choking and screaming wildly nearly every time I attempted to feed her. I attended one of Jenn’s breastfeeding support groups and she helped me understand that my breasts were becoming engorged with milk and it was coming out too fast for my daughter to handle. She gave me some options for how to decrease my milk supply over time and made some suggestions for how I could handle this challenge in the meantime. It was such a relief to understand what was going on and to know that there was a solution.